Profile: Samson O'Connor

Personal background
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....I got my brand spanking new Mac G4 with 2 processors!! And since that time, SETI has had a grip of death on all waking and most sleeping hours of that computer. I work in a non-profit science museum called "The Discovery Museum" where i get to instill in little kids just a few of the wonders of the universe. Whilst my computer is buisily chomping away at data sets, you can usually find me either working at the museum, playing sports (Baseball and fencing are my ....forte(s)) By night, however, this mild mannered teacher turns into .... A JAZZ MUSCIAN! So I yeild sleep to play gigs and have fun. Star Trek is probably the best tv show Ever! (I mean the original ones, with Kirk and Spock...none of this New-fangled stuff) And Gladiator is my favorite movie.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I am convinced that extraterrestrial life does indeed exist. I'm also pretty postive that at least a few forms of this life have advanced civilizations. When we will discover it, however, I have no such assertions. My guess is that within the next 100 years, we will probably detect some sort of signal that proves to my asumtion on life on other planets. It's also possible that as we make more and more trips away from mother earth here that we will be sighted by a similarly equipted civilization and contacted. Cool huh? I do think that we should transmit a signal, but as to what info to send I dont know- perhaps some sort of universal gravitational law, or E=MCˆ2. Something to show SOME level of intelegence on the planet. I run SETI cause, well, my computer ROCKS and it's my small way of looking for ET. It's a great project- I mean look at how many people have rushed to the cause here! Besides, the more people look, the sooner I'll be able to go back on the mother ship.
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