Profile: Principia

Personal background
Engineer in the aircraft business with your typical airplane/spaceship obsessed childhood.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Oct 9 2007: RIP Argus, the Western Digital made a frightening screech then went to the big drive bay in the sky.

My thoughts about SETI can be summed up like this: low probability, high payoff. Even the most skeptical statistician will buy a lottery ticket if the prize is $500 million.

I go way back to when computers were still used mainly to compute things, not draw windows. The idea of using a perfectly fine numerically capable cpu to draw a fancy GUI and read email runs against my instincts. BOINC and SETI make me feel like my hardware is actually doing something useful for a change.

Also, I have a soft spot for marginally viable ventures. If there ever was an example of people making the most of what they have, the SETI team has to be it.
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