Profile: Illian Amerond

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Just another grain of sand...
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I have always wanted to get involved with projects like this, but untill now I felt isolated and unable to approach institutions to see what I could do. Lending processing power is only a small part of my assets. I would like to take all my old Dell Power Edge servers and turn them into a parralell proccessing array and lend that to the project as well, yet sadly I am no super computer guru.
I believe that one would have to be either completely ignorant of life on this planet, or obtuse enough to believe that we are alone... There are so many unknown parameters of our fish bowl, why not use our time wisely. who knows the sun could blow up any minute and kill us all... but it looks like mankind is well on its way to that ^_^
My suggestion is empowering geeks such as myself with the tools to accumulate and consolidate more processing power for the project. I pick up legacy systems and various 'throw aways' all the time and I know if I could just link all the little ones together I can build a big mess of processing power @_@ *sighs* some day...
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