Profile: Ministry of Disinformation

Personal background
The members of the Ministry of Disinformation are actually here to bring truth to the world; The Ministry of Truth brought you only lies, we wanted those lies to end, after all the truth shall set you free.
No longer shall history be rewritten, and actual events denied and covered up.

Actually, we're not sure why we are here, the only reason we've been given so far didn't make a whole lot of sense. It's all fine and dandy knowing that the answer is 42, but '42 what?' is the question. 42 fish maybe? Or possibly 42 dolphins....

Remember, never tell lies. You may participate in a campaign of carefully constructed disinformation as required, but you should never lie.

Except for when you lie in your bed to get that much needed rest.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
They ask why do we run SETI@home, I would have thought it was obvious why. We are hoping to contact our long lost cousins in the hope of hitching a ride home.

Then again, it could be that we just want to find some little grey dudes, with large dark eyes, and a love of names that are those of norse gods.

Or just maybe, we want to add our computers to the effort of warming the globe. If we get it warm enough the icecaps will melt, the sea levels will rise and the almighty dolphin will rule the world.

Our views on the project...

No matter which view we take, be it side on, aerial, close up; the project still looks the same.

As for suggestions, maybe the best suggestion I could give to anybody who reads this profile....

Just say no. (You don't want to be like us do you?)

Welcome to Insanityville - Population - Us.

A new thought has come this way recently... I didn't join a site called so I don't want to be your friend. I am here for the science, not for social networking.
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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.