Profile: resqpro

Personal background
I was born and raised in Palo Alto,ca have had careers in recreation special events, search and rescue WTC-ground zero, owned my own construction company,president of the local Jaycees chapter. Have a son 5 and a daughter 10,love to explore the high desert , 4x4 throught the back country fully self contained, love to study plate tectonics/seismology, geologic interest in mineralology, formation studies. Love to play chess. I am active in philanthropy through rebuilding together/Christmas in April as a house captain / worker bee. Love history and the movement westward, the wild west era.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I feel that the SETI program is truly a viable avenue to find other life. To discover the history of the universe and beyond. If I can do anything to help and be a part of the search with the hope that in my lifetime,there will be discovery of life. I believe that it is more than likely that life exists somewhere else. The fact that earth was located just so far from the sun to allow for life to thrive and become a civilized world is all the evidence needed to know that this is happening somewhere else. I wish that someday the government would invest more monies in this research.
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