Profile: StirzBright

Personal background
I'm 51 yrs old & have been living with Muscular Dystrophy for 25yrs.I have alot of time on my hands ,so if anyone else needs some help in time consuming projects, I am here & will do what I can.
I love the Universe & all of its mysterious happenings.And if I was the lucky one to make first contact,it would be such a big surprise that I may even be able to walk again.[HaHaHa] So in conclusion I would like to say I'm so happy to be apart of this project good hunting to everyone.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I run SETI so maybe some day humans will make contact & it will help make planet Earth a better place for all to live including ET'S.
The project needs more help so more pc's can search.
Suggestions--More awearness for elementry students.Maybe give them there own part of sky to name & to search intensly.
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