Profile: Steve Blanch

Personal background
Born in London in 1969, and realising my mistake very early in life, moved to Australia in 1973 with my family. Lived in Sydney ever since, bar a 6 year stint in Nagoya, Japan.

Happily married with one gorgeous child, holding down a customer service job with an airline and patiently awaiting my midlife crisis which will see me find a whole new path in life, even though I'm not too sure what that is right now.

I'm a proud computer geek, and love tinkering with PC parts and repairing and maintaining computers for family and friends. Hobbies include PC gaming, golf, footy (rugby league), wartime history, astronomy and cosmology.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
SETI@home is one of those things that I have always had on my to do list and never really gotten around to - until the other day. The concept of harnessing the power of otherwise idle CPU's the world over in a collaborative search for signals from intelligent life somewhere out there is awesome, and something I have to be a part of.

I believe that the first sign of extraterrestrial life anywhere, no matter how basic will be the most significant scientific discovery in history. Once we can demonstrate that life on Earth is not just an infinately remote, one off freak of chance, it could be inferred that there are limitless occourances out there, some of which could safely be assumed to be at least as intelligent as ourselves. In this sense, I guess, the SETI program is jumping the gun to some extent, in that we still have no real evidence of life independant of Earth (to my knowledge). We're going straight after the big fish here in scanning for intelligent lifeforms with similar physical manifestations to ourselves. As more people join the search every day, and with every work unit processed, I'm increasingly liking the odds.
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