Personal background |
My name is Heikki, i am from Finlad but currently live in Mexico city (friggin\\' huge city!!) i am 39 years old, work at Tech Support in PROFEPA (the equivalent of the EPA in the U.S.) and i like movies, music, reading, videogames, comics, astronimy, among other things. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
I run SETI@Home because i would like to know we are not alone in the universe, life is tenacious and manages to find hold in the most extreme of environments.. So i think, somewhere, live thrives as it does here on earth, the universe is old, it took evolution millions of years to take life to the point where we exist now, and it took a mere 100,000 years to develop intelligence to such a degree that now we are wondering about ourselves and whether there are other intelligent beings in our galaxy. humans dont like to be alone, that's why this is important.
I participate in SETI@Home because humanity is curious, curiosity and the willingness to try new things, to discover "what lies beyond that hill?" is what has taken us in an amazing road of discoveries and inventions.
And quoting a famous T.V. series: "Space, the final frontier" could not be truer, space is the new frontier, is "what lies beyond that hill?", and we are just on it's shore, and we must venture farther.
Seti@Home is the people standing and looking into the horizon, trying to find out if we see signs of others, trying to discover signs of other civilizations. Daunting task this one, as space is big.. very big.. and "big" does not begin to describe it's vastness.
But we must go on, long time ago it was said men could not fly, and see now, we made it to the moon.
Maybe whithin our lifetime we will not discover signs of intellingent life in the galaxy, but that does not mean it is not there, maybe in a few decades our descendants will discover it, and make contact. If what we are doing now helps achieve that goal, then we did our part.
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