Profile: Ave Maris Stella

Personal background
Hi nice to meet you .
This is from Japan :)

Birth : Japan , a pure Japanese

My work :
Products making of animation and game (main platform PS3/PSP and PC)
Motion actoress for 3G virtual graphic character , Word to image and theme songs , Screen writter for voice actor and voice actoress , Sinario/Script writter , Planner

I'm using my sub work computer them for BOINC programs.
I should to use upper middle and super high spec personal computers for work.

Already I ordered new personal computer GPU Radeon Series and Intel CPU for PS4 products making but may be I don't use BOINC for that.

And to become to a nun (catholic region sister , practice at convent)

Photo at Maebashi Catholic Church , Gunma Pref., Japan
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God made of all for us , and make of all now !
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