Profile: ssbn608

Personal background
My wife and I live on an airport outside San Antonio, Texas, with the Pipistrel Virus SW motoglider that my brother and I built from a kit. . I'm a 60+ year old patent attorney (retired) and an Instrument Rated Private Pilot(airplane and glider. Everyone in my family are science fiction fans. My Mom was since the 30's.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Tell us your thoughts about SETI@home

1. Why do you run SETI@home?
2. What are your views about the project?
3. Any suggestions?

1. Why not? doesn't cost me anything. And I'd sure like to know that we aren't alone in the Universe.

2. As Martha says, "It's a good thing.". I just wish that my computer's were more robust over the years, so I could have run more SETI @home.

3. Nope!
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