Profile: reelfun2

Personal background
Name: Wayne Herbert Age:12/2005 67 ocupation: Plumber / Retired Hobies: Computers Collecting DVD Movies (2014 so far) Have been disabled since 1980.
We (Wife and I) live in USA New Hampshire in lakes region. I was a freshwater Salmon fisherman until my health stoped me. Now it's either computing or movies.
My two brothers and one sister lives in Florida. I take my system with me in the winter and visit my family there.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. I want to be part of the space program and like to help by giving my computer

2. Beacuse we can, lets do it.

3. My computer sits idle a lot of the time since the project went to BOINC. Could
you let us volinteres know why please?
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