Profile: Ronald van der Graaf

Personal background
I'm a 40yo ICT Manager from Holland. I live in Gouda (as in cheese) and unlike the old days, when I was 'just' a computer engineer, I dont get my hands on computerkeyboards anymore, except for typing memoranda.
In my first job I was trained to write Cobol programs on 72/80 colomn sheets (paper) which would then be transfered to punch-cards by data-typist, which then would be processed by i/o-operators to be read in by a punchcardreader and submitted to a batch-queu. The next day I would get a printout stating why my program wouldn't compile. Ever forgot a in Cobol ?
That was many years ago, I run a support department now, which nurses NCR-Teradata, HP Alpha, HP Non-Stop-Kernel Himalayas and an odd Stratus (non are available for SETI).
In private life I enjoy the enjoyable things in life: wine, food and fun. To compensate for that I skate, both on ice as on wheels (2x5 not 2x4)
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
The search for ETL is for scientists, but I find this project most interesting for the MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) aspect of it.
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