Profile: Y & J

Personal background
WORK: I was in the USAF, I was stationed in Mississippi (twice), France, Turkey, and South East Asia.
HOME: We have lived in Florida from Feb. 1994. We originally lived in Massachusetts, and then moved New Hampshire, Michigan, Indiana and then we went back to New Hampshire.

HOBBIES: Model railroading, Music, Computers, Flying, Remodeling our house after the damage from 4 Hurricanes in 2004.

GAMES: Railroad Tycoon 2 & 3, Kaneva
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
We have no conception where we humans of Earth will be situated on the scale of development in the universe. Reality is most likely that we are at a low or mid level point on the scale. Our First contact may provide us a peek at our position on the scale. We also may just be asking to be eliminated from the universe, but we will never know UNLESS we reach out to the future no matter what will behold us.

BONIC Seti@home new 3d graphics are just barely readable. To bad they did not let you have an option of 2d like SETI CLASSIC graphics.
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