Profile: KWSN - Sir Loin of Beef

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Why do you run SETI@home?
We all own very powerfull personal computers. I was useing mine to play Freecell and Mahjongg! I thought the idea of useing mine for a "higher purpose" was a great idea, and looking for ETs captured my imagination.
I have joined a SETI "club"( ), and enjoy the friendship and rivalry that brings, alongside the science of SETI.

Thoughts about ETI
ET *WILL* phone home, and when he does we need to be listening :)

There are that many stars in the universe, some must have intelligent life. If we could do it anyone can, it's not that hard!

The only danger I see in discovering a signal is in the culture shock of discovering we are not alone, and maybe we are not the smartest beings in the universe!

If they decide to "email" us a few schematics and ideas, well and good. But just "knowing" they are out there would be reward enough.
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