Profile: Odan

Personal background
I've been fiddling with computers educationally, privately and professionally since 1973. First response I ever had from a computer, in September of that year, to what I'd typed was "EH?" accompanied by a teletype bell - perhaps I should have quit then while I was ahead, well I suppose not too far behind :)

I've always worked in some form of electronic design or software development, often both, since I started work in 1980. At various times radio communications, computer design, industrial controls or satellite communications.

I've been running SETI@home since the summer of 1999, not entirely sure when exactly. Initially a bit on and off for a year but stopped around the time I changed job in 2000 until I got the bug again in 2003.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I run SETI because I want to find ET, the search fascinates me and has since I was a child reading science fiction and watching Dr Who. The idea that there could be intelligent non-human life out there fills me with wonder.

I must admit to being a bit of a credit junkie too. I could give up if I had to, though, honest I could! I did show tremendous self control (well I thought so anyway) when my main cruncher popped its PSU and I took 4 whole weeks to find a replacement I liked at a price I was prepared to pay. Big hit to the old RAC.

I like the project and appreciate the frequent updates by Matt. I don't run anything else except as a backup to keep me crunching when I run out of WUs.
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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.