Personal background |
Visc a Barcelona. Soc del 58. Treballo de tècnic informà tic. La meva afició és veure com creix la meva filla, l'Eva, i el no fer res. Coneixeu la filosofia Wu Wei? Dons adaptada a mi. Estic en el grup Catalunya perquè soc català , malgrat que per imperatius legals consti un altre paÃs. I live in Barcelona. I was born in the 58. Work in computer. My hobby is see growing my daughter, Eva, and don't make anything. Do you know the Wu Wei philosophy? Then adapted to my. I am in the Catalunya group because I am Catalan, but for legal imperatives consist another country. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Si la fÃsica i la biologia, i altres, que tenim actualment són certes i aplicables a tot l’univers i l’univers és la part coneguda d’un infinit, no estem sols. Crec que amb això ho he dit tot. If the physics and the biology, and another, that we have now they are sure and applicable to all universe and the universe is the part known of an infinite, we are not only. I believe that I with this have said everything. |
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