Profile: Filzkugel

Personal background
I'm a young man from the cold little Denmark who is very into SETI in general, so being at part of SETI@home is a big priviledge for me!
Personally I belive that we one day will find proff of the fact that there is life outside out little solarsystem. If not through SETI@home then some other way. Hopefully I will still be alive when it happens!! But until then I will do my best to reach that goal...
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I definately belive that there is life out there somewhere! If there is life here, why shouldn't there be life somewhere else? It is impossible to say when and how we are going to find out the truth about it, but i'm sure that some day we will!!
I think that we should send out a powerful beacon that will tell about Morther Earth and about the creatures that live on it as if we were one nation standing together in the search for another sort of life.
I hope that the project will keep on going till we find something useful! I think that the government should help funding the project. Maybe even a worldwide government. But sponsors shouldn't be hard to get either withe the large activity you have. In my eyes the project does someting that brings people together alle around the world without thinking color, religion og nationality. We stand together in the course of mankinds search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
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