Profile: Nigewhite

Personal background
I'm from Sheffield, England, past forty years old and enjoying every minute. I still work in the field of Mainframe computing, none of those diddy little unix boxes for me, give me something withs some real grunt! For the last 5 years I've been building my own PC's but I've got my main P4 3.40GHz machine from a retailer, couldn't build one cheeper oh hum.
Well the P4 3.40 bit the dust, too much heat too little cooling, so I've stepped down the CPU to 3.0GHz and added liquid cooling now a much happier bunny.

Such a long time ago I wrote the above, wow, the P4 3.0GHz bit the dust when the water pump blew a fuse after three or four years of hammer, Can't for the life of me remember when.... Still in mainframe computing and have tried to keep up with the times with Q6600, i3-2100 and an i7-2600 based boxes with Vista and Win-7 Pro.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
My thoughts on SETI.

1. I run SETI as it seems to be the right thing to do to better and advance our rather inward looking and primative race.

2. If intelligent life is out there, and there will be, we won't find them unless they want to be found, seems to me like a wise course of action in self preservation, we've shot this bolt as we've been leaking I'm over here messages for so long now we've even sent four by design.

3. If someone does drop by on an evening I guess the first impression won't be that great unless we all learn to get along and start treating the environment and each other with a bit more respect (not likely to happen in my lifetime!).

4. If and when the big day comes make sure some one knows the place and time, it's such bad manners to turn up late.....
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