Profile: Bryan Glennon

Personal background
I currently live in the Chicago suburbs with my family. I have been a technophile (is that a word?) since I was a child. I have always enjoyed astronomy and computers. I am currently employed as the VP of Software Development for VoxOpia, Inc.

Other interests include dogs (English Mastiffs), biking, books, wine, cigars, sports cars, and other hedonistic pleasures.

And BTW, that's not me in the picture :-)
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
When I first heard about S@H, I found the idea of widely-distributed processing interesting. Lots of idle machines out there, so why not make use of them.

While I'm convinced that there is intelligent life out there, I don't know if SETI will find it. I have always felt that with a galaxy as vast as this one, in an even vaster universe, that intelligent life would manifest itself in many different ways. Finding a common ground is a major undertaking. But SETI is a good start, and who knows. I only hope that they have not been watching our TV signals – I would not want them to approach us as if we inhabit the world of “I Love Lucy” or “Green Acres.”

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