Personal background |
Born in Hong Kong. Moved to Australia 1969. Australian and Portuguese Citizen. Live in Newcastle, 2 hours from Sydney. Love all things sci-fi. I'm not a true believer in Extra-terrestrials, but I am fascinated to know the answer. I am a full-time Alcohol and Drugs rehab worker for the Salvation Army. I love music, movies, riding my mountain bike (not in the rain) and the love of a good woman. Earthlings preferred.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
I'm not a big believer in Aliens, not intelligent ones, anyway. Because if they were actually out there, we'd have a lot more evidence than a few blurry photos.
I believe the discovery of Intelligent Aliens, if made at all, will be in the next generation. I just don't see much more development on our horizons. Not enough to herald first contact, Star Trek style.
I think, if Aliens are zooming around out there now, they've been avoiding us because we spend trillions of dollars fixing ourselves, saving our lives with R&D into medicines and vaccines-while at the same time spending trillions on weapons and ways and means of destroying ourselves. I think Aliens look down from above and say "What a bunch of wankers"
I think we should send a beacon, but only if it contains a peaceful and diplomatic greeting.
I run seti@home because I am enthralled at the possibilities of such a discovery, and I'm not going to miss out.
Seti@home should be run by everyone. I am a God fearing person, but it doesn't say anywhere in the bible that life does not exist on other planets.
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