Profile: Isidor Sebastian Plonski

Personal background
I'm nineteen and I come from Austria. I'm interessted in science since I have been in the kindergarden. Today I'm amateur koleopterologist (Dasytidae, Coleoptera subterranea), speleologist and I'm also interessted in the research after medieval settlements in Austria Inferior and collecting fossils.
After school I want to study zoology and archaeology.
Besides I'm a big fan of the X-Files and J.R.R. Tolkien.
In addition, I want to apologize my lousy English.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
ad 1) I believe that extraterrestrial life exists. Maybe it visits our planet already (think about the UFO-phenomenon!).
The question should be how much is out there, and is it "humanoid" or are there microbs? If there is inteligent life out there, I hope that it won't be mean. If we find an extraterrestrial signal, I want to know how old it is (It must have past a long way through the interstellar space) and if there is a possibility to comunicate (improbable). I don't want to imagine possible dangers of such discovery, at this time.

ad 2) That we are very curios, but also warlike.

ad 3) I'm fascinated by the SETI-project and its homeversion. Hope that every human being will discover, that he is not alone; maybe, then mankind will grow together.
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