Profile: Frank Grau-Müller

Personal background
Hello Earth!
My name's Frank Grau-Müller, I'm 32 years old and I'm a junior high school teacher.
When I was a little boy I always tried to watch the Carl Sagan's TV-Series "Cosmos" as it was broadcasted quite late in the evening. The pictures and the used upcoming synthesizer music for its soundtrack infected my 9 year old mind with the wish to explore the universe and - first of all - to completely understand what Mr Sagan was telling... :-) Since then I've viewn Carl Sagan's work as selfless, progressive and good for all mankind. Thus my interest in space understanding & exploration started to grow. I'm quite idealistic when I meet children but grown-ups still freak me out: they're mostly one-track-minded, without ideals, hedonistic and ignore the fact, that this world is finite. We must preserve the world to our children and learn that we're mere, little beings on a mere, little planet. The best way to feel responsibility for this planet is to watch this fragile world from above like the astronauts did. That event should be made possible for all of us to understand our tiny role in that
wonderful, big symphony called universe. Yeah, it sounds kitsch-y but I really believe in that...
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
It is quite unlikey that we can detect e.t. intelligence by that project... I dont't know if it was Frank Drake himself pointing that out... but the small possibility to find such sign is worth an endeavour. SETI is the beginning. It's said that we're transmitting into space since the beginning of
broadcasting... With our recent scientific means we cannot even detect e.t. TV-transmissions. The day it's possible, perhaps SETI becomes more interesting but until that day SETI is the only way to find an answer to the question: Is there anybody out there?
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