Profile: IndigoK7

Personal background
I have 3 computers at home that are crunching math at least 5 days a week. My primary SETI system is my Gateway Select 800 - 800 MHz Thunderbird Athlon (Slot A) and 256 MB of RAM. If you look at my calculated time, about 3/4 of that has been done by this workhorse. (It's also my home's internet server, so it's got first dibs on the net connection to send the results back!)

My Second system is the one I type this to you on, which is my primary gaming system. It does the SETI@home when I'm either in bed or at work. It is a 1.4 GHz AMD Athlon Socket A w/ 512 MB of PC2100 DDR SDRAM. I plan on upgrading it to an Athlon XP 2100 when it becomes available later on (or when I get the money for it). This system has contributed the next most amount of hours.

My third system is the family system, it's screen saver is the SETI client, and runs maybe 12 hours a day. It's got a 750 MHz Duron w/ 256 MB of RAM and is fairly new to the processing techniques. I also let my laptop run it when I'm not using the system for web editing and such. (I'm the webmaster for the SSC Tech site found at

My sister also has a computer that I just recently upgraded to a K6-2 366 (motherboard won't run any faster, so it's actually a K6-2 450@366) w/ 128 MB of RAM. I'm trying to get more horsepower to keep my lead. ;)
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Transmission should only be done if we have a reasonable idea of where someone(thing) is that can receive it. Otherwise we'd be wasting tax/bond money.

I run SETI@home so I give my 3 computers something to do while I'm asleep or at work. Gotta get the most for my money! Besides, it keeps my room warm! Colorado can be bitter-cold some days!
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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.