Hi from Germany - not only one place here - I live in 3 cities, Berlin, Cologne and Ingolstadt. I work as a TV Producer. We edit movies for a nationwide show called Galileo. It´s a scientific show and ranked nr. 1 here in the german-speaking area. I am 30 years old and was born on the 12th of November 1972. I love to travel and of course I love girls. In the winter I love to go skiing in the summer I love vacation - mostly in the US or somewhere here in Europe. If you want to - write me a mail.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. Sure - ET life exists - just read the hitchhikers guide and you will now.
2. Send interesting stuff - send music, books - dont send stuff about our politics and wars we had.
3. I want to participate - I like the project SETI and I own a planet. My ex-girlfriend gave it to me - it is Pegasi - the sun in the pegasus system. You can buy planets in the munich observatory.
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.