Personal background |
I'm the typical Australian Diamond (Double Income, Awesome Mortgage, Offspring, No Doe) with two children, one dog, two cars, and a budgerigar. I am a qualified Accountant and a Finance Broker by day. In my life I have been a wool classer, an auctioneer, a Gridiron referee, a computer programmer, and a car salesman. I enjoy watching the stars under the clear skies of my 100 acre farm in the Hunter Valley (about 2 hours north of Sydney), and when it is cloudy I play around with my internet sites. I am a Freemason, am proud of it, and would like to tell the world more about what we really do. I am somewhat of a sci-fi buff (Stargate & Star Trek) but am careful not to confuse a good make believe story with the reality of what we are doing here. I have been interested in Astronomy for about 30 years - an interest that was bought to the fore with Carl Sagan's Cosmos series. Carl died within a few days of my father and I often take comfort in the thought that they are standing beside each other in the queue to the Pearly Gates. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Of course extraterrestrial life exists. How pompous of us to think that it does not! To me it is a foregone conclusion. Will we "make contact" in my lifetime? I think not (damn it all). It really is only a matter of time before we do make contact. Dangers and Benefits? Who knows? I recall once reading that in the 1950's it was claimed that everything that could be invented had been invented. We simply do not know what lies ahead. Should we trasmit? Oops - too late. We already have - sometimes inadvertantly, sometimes intentionally. Still, this is good - it gives those out there a true picture of what we are really like. Why do I run SETI@home? Because I want to. Sure, like most when I started I had dreams of being "the one" to discover ET. Now it is just because I want to. Views on the project? Too many crackpots and half-hearteds (have a look at the list of names and message boards). But, if they want to help, so be it. No suggestions ... just keep doing what you're doing. |
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