Profile: Stephen Kissel

Personal background
I have very wide range of interest.
Many parts of the Sciences. Enjoy working with Chemistry and Physics.

Many parts of Math. Enjoy figuring digits of 'Pi' and working with Very Large Prime Numbers.

Many parts dealing with computers. Enjoy Programming the 12 computers I have access to. I learned to trouble shoot and repair computers while in the Navy - so if I break one, I can fix it.

I read what I can get my hands on. Way too many subjects to list here on what I have read about.

And more. I maybe 60, but I am still learning, and enjoying it as much as I can.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I have had something typed here for some time ... I typed it on the day I started my account, but only now have I changed it.

You know, stuff about how I believe there has to be other life in the Universe. The Universe is too old and too large to have only ONE planet to have developed life.
I believe the Universe forever has been and forever will be. We are just random happenings in the middle of it all. And other random happenings are out there, too.
Other Life Forms. What they look like is only limited to the imagination. Sci-Fi teaches us that!

If Humans do discover other life - via SETI@home - it will depend how far away the planet is to really decide if we should try to communicate with them.
Would we want to send out a message and wait a generation (I believe that's 20 years) for the message to arrive to the selected planet, then wait another generation
for the reply to reach us ... if they decide to reply at all. As for me ... I say - "Go For It!"

I am sure there are planets with life that have less intelligent being than we are ... some that are about equal with us and some that are more intelligent. We just have to wait until we find them or they find us.

More to come later.
Last update 04/25/19.
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