Profile: MikeSW17

Personal background
Programmer, who'd prefer to be a hardware guru.
WTF, anything to do with computers is fun.
Been at this lark since the days of the ARPA-NET, DEC System-10s PDP-11s, ICL1901s, and CDC mainframes - to mention a few ;)

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be ;-(
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. 'cos it's there - Not that I really expect to detect LGM now. The last term of the Drake equation (longevity of civilisation) makes it unlikely they'll be around to be detected - or we won't be.

2. BOINC is a damn good framework. SETI@Home is my project of choice.

3. Ignore the silly a**es that try to micro-mange BOINC and then get upset at the result of their meddling -- left alone, BOINC does it all just right.
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