Profile: Jean-Louis Beaufils

Personal background
I'm 40, interested in a lot of things running from history, polemology, psychology, economics,... to computers, technology, engineering and physics.

My background's business school (ESCP for those who know it), with a career in pro-AV and industrial equipment sales. I've lived in Paris, NYC, Lyon and right now I'm in Asnières, three metro stations from Paris.

Check my new website:
(yes it's all in French and quite business-oriented!)

I guess my interest in SETI comes from reading some 1000 (!) SF books.
One of my favorite authors, David Brin, wrote an article about SETI in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, you can check it at:
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
When I think about how darn big this universe of ours is, I find it very hard to imagine we're the only one intelligent species in it.

That we aren't aware of any other one can have any one of many explanations. It can be that they're too far away, or maybe we've been discovered but they aren't interested in us, or we're quarantined for some reason, or nobody's found us yet, or... well, you can let your imagination run as wild as you want ! :)

I guess that just knowing for sure we're not alone in the universe would change a lot of things for us, broaden our perspective and probably spur research and and help build some kind of world government.

Me, an idealist? betcha!
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