Profile: kinnison

Personal background
I'm originally from Hull in the UK, moved to London for most of my working life. I moved to Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 2002 to marry my fiancee. Oh well that lasted 2 years, now 2004, moved back to my roots Hull. Let's see what 2005 has in store.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I certainly believe that extraterrestrial life exists. Unless we assume that Earth is some sort of complete freak of nature, a 1 in a billion chance event, it seems inevitable that some planets orbiting some other stars are bound to have similar conditions to here, and will have developed life also.
Of course, intelligent life is a much bigger question - it is still very likely given just how many stars/planets we're talking about (even in just *this* galaxy), but we *are* talking about huge distances in both space *and* time.

I personally run SETI@home because I like to feel I'm contributing a small something - PLUS I hate to see my computer lying idle when it could be doing something worthwhile! The computing power of the average PC these days is immense compared to just a few years ago - if every PC in the world could have just 10% of it's CPU idle time to do things like this, the contribution would be incredible!

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