Profile: Ed_Anderson

Personal background
I run seti@home on my home HP Pavillion computers. I have it running 24X7.

I started with Seti@Home in 2002, but dropped out when I sold the computer I had at the time. I did not rejoin till May 2011 when I received an invitation e-mail to come back.

ET, if you are out there, we will find you.

Go Team Hewlett-Packard!
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I am confident there is life out there, but only a quarter as confident that it is advanced enough for us to detect it. I am less confident that they would transmit a signal just so we could spot them. Why waste the energy?

We have already marked space craft with information about who we are and how to find us. However, by the time it reaches some distant civilization, we will be more advance and better able to make contact. I am not so sure I want to be found yet. No signal please.

For me, seti@home is a chance to participate in research instead of just reading about it. Since I am participating, I feel motivated to learn more about the project. I love learning about new things, especially when they relate to science, technology, and their application.

My hobbies are astronomy as well as flying radio controlled gliders and electric powered airplanes. So even though I can't fly to the stars, I still spend a lot of time looking up at the sky.

I think schools, particularly high schools, should leverage this participation model as a discussion point to bring the world of research closer to students. It could inspire some bright young minds to become the great achievers of the future. Perhaps they will come up with some new brillant way to use this distributed computing model.

I would like to see the SETI@home project actively market itself to schools both for the educational value and to invite their wasted PC resources into the project.
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Team Hewlett-Packard
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©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.