Profile: Jordi Portell i de Mora

Personal background
Hello everybody! My name is Jordi Portell and I live in Vic, a nice town 70km at the north of Barcelona - although I'm working in the University of Barcelona for the Gaia mission of ESA. I studied Electronics Engineering, and did a PhD thesis on the payload data handling and data compression of the Gaia mission. I also collaborate with the UPC (Technical University of Catalonia) and the IEEC (Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia).
The permanent equipment for this account of SETI@home-BOINC is an Athlon XP 1800+ (overclocked as a 2600+, yeah!), a Core2 Duo 1.8GHz laptop, and a Core2 Quad 2.3GHz computer. Sometimes I also run BOINC in other computers, some of them in the University of Barcelona and in the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) which actively collaborate with SETI@home.
Also, I'm the coordinator of SETI in Catalonia, and manager of the catalan website:
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Since I was very young I've always loved everything about the Space, the Cosmos and the Astronomy. I specially was
delighted when I watched Carl Sagan's "Contact" film, after which I also read the book (thanks, Carl; we'll never forget you).
When I knew about SETI@home, I found the answer (well, not
the primordial one ;-)) I was looking for: to help SETI in
its search and research. I only hope to be someway useful
for this very nice, powerful and challenging program. And I
also wish that someday we'll find The Answer from the
Cosmos. Maybe this will be the only way to save us from ourselves...
Many people asks themselves if we are alone in the universe. I agree with Carl Sagan: If we are alone, there's huge a room wasted.
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