Personal background |
Born in Exeter, NH 81 years ago, (I am a may flower.) After 3 enlistments in the Navy, being in 2 wars and picking up a Purple Heart I decided to throw in the towel.I Retired from Civil Service in 1973 and went into nuclear power construction for 22 years as an electrical quality assurance/control person. Have been an amature radio (HAM) guy for about 25 years (N0GBX). Bought and lived on a steel sail boat for 20 years and my favorite country abroad is \\"Trinadad\\" West Indies. I finally retired for good in 2003, (Direct orders from my bride, Linda Lee, from TN. Our next and final home will be in the state of AZ. in 2006. Seti will go with me as it has in the past. I am an ex electronic tech from the Navy so naturally I too believe that someone, somewhere, is out there just waiting to be found. |
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