Personal background |
Nicholas, 38, French teacher working and living in Hong Kong, I have a multidisciplinary education background, I studied astrophysics, mechanical and aerospace engineering, I'm also an aircraft pilot (PPL/CPL/ATPL). I always been interested in hard science, engineering, astronomy, video games, computers.
I like to follow some of my contemporaries like Steve jobs, Carl Sagan, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Seymour Cray, Michael Crichton, Apple (Macuser since 1986), NeXT (I still owned a NeXTCube and a NeXTSlab), Silicon Graphics and Cray, I am skeptic and a libertarian.
I heard about the project in he 80's because of the famous donation from Steven Spielberg to The Mega-Channel Extraterrestrial Assay at the Oak Ridge Observatory, and the reading of Carl Sagan's novel: "Contact". In 1998 I was one of the beta tester of SETI@HOME (my username was Cere@l_killer at the time). |
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