Profile: eco

Personal background
Currently this is mostly a personal account.

In the past I have been benchmarking or testing systems such as instances at and servers and clusters at various serverhosting companies, cloud services etc such as compartment ABs datacenters. I found boinc to be very useful in several situations when benchmarking, burning in (looking for hardware errors) and load testing servers, networks etc while doing something useful.

Subteam compartment used to involv staff and systems at compartment AB, a Swedish web- & server hosting company.

Mainly computers that run Boinc/Seti operate on Linux*, *BSD Unix**, and other platforms***.

Boinc/Seti also works great as a quick benchmarking tool to test through a system and see how it behaves under heavy CPU load.

* Linuxdistributions such as our own distro: compartment Linux(tm) (formerly known as: C-mentLinux) as well as Fedora, Xubuntu, Linux Mint and others.. Distros will probably continue to vary over time.

** Unix-like systems such as OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Dragonfly and derivates of FreeBSD such as PC-BSD and also Mac OS X.

Earlier in the project we have also used other hardware such as MAC and SUN computers as well as Intel-machines (running solaris, OpenBSD. Mostly Intel CPU:s are/have been used even though we've have burned out some old Durons and Semprons in the past :)

Team compartment @ SETI is a member of Team Colliander.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. It's fun and easy to participate in something so important and fascinating.
2. Interesting, very important to learn more about our universe.
3. The use of the same platform with as little problems as possible for the end systems is important - the switch from the old system scared us and others away from the project for many years but now we're back again with the new boinc software.
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