Profile: foxglove

Personal background
I'm from rural south west england, and I'm a carer for my elderly father. I have a lifelong interest in astronomy, archaeology, and various other scientific subjects. Just because a person is over 50 does'nt mean their brain is in a sling - quite the opposite!!
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Yes, I think extraterrestrial life unquestionably exists. But we will not "discover" it - they will make themselves known to us if and when they believe the time to be right. And who knows what the consequences will be? Certainly the governments of the world will be drastically affected, but I fail to see why there should be a problem with religion - after all, surely God created life on more than just our little planet! It is incredibly arrogant to think we are the only beings in all that vastness! Of course there is life out there - I'm sure space is teeming with life. In time, we will know for certain. Perhaps Seti will be the first step towards that life...
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