Personal background |
I am a geek, but not a very good one (I don't make enough money). I like blinking lights, and automatic things. Like CD-ROM drives. When I got my first CD-ROM, I played with it for like 5 minutes, opening and shutting it. I also like building things, but since I'm a klutz, that limits me to programming. I also have a bit of an artistic streak that flares up every once in a while and causes me to go into fits of midi programming. Other than that, I'm just your average American drone.
Oh, and the picture is of a robot called the Scorpitron, which was this really really tough bad guy from an old PC game called Wasteland. Which is the best game ever. Really. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Of course extraterrestrial life exists. Why else would there be so much ROOM?
I like SETI@home because of the cool graph and wavy line things on the program that you download. They're complete gibberish to all but maybe .001% of the population out there, but that's what makes them so fun. I've also been sucked into the whole "What if YOUR computer finds an alien???" thing, because I'm gullible like that. It's all fun though. |
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