Profile: Nightbird

Personal background
As many others people (probably), I started with Seti Classic and now Boinc.

Alpha, beta, fully operational BOINC Projects...

I don't like censorship so I don't like Predictor@home.
They ban people and delete accounts too easily...
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Why Seti ? when i was child, i liked very much the astronomy (do you know that we can see many things even with binoculars and trust me the show of the Milky Way is really splendid !) but for different reasons, i stopped.

But i think that an other Life can exist elsewhere, whichever its form (gaseous form, why not ? ).
When you see the diversity of the Life on Earth, why all that would not exist on the Universe scale ?
and without forgotting that we don't know "very well" our Galaxy and the Universe...

At the moment, our technical possibilities are limited (we need to free from the problem of the speed of the light !) but One day will be here for the Mankind to go towards the Stars and i hope that, the Seti Users (like others people), will have to contribuate and help for the next generations.

But let's hope also that we will not meet more warlike than the human race and that we will show patience and wisdom.

Well, the future of a child is not in a cradle. ;)
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