Personal background |
I am originaly from Milwaukee, Wi., but now live in Pine Mountain, GA. I am the very proud father of 3 children, Kimberly (15), and 21 year old twins Richard and Michael. I worked at UPS for 36 years, and am now retired.
I have always enjoyed all forms of science, they were my favorite subjects in school, and where I got my best grades, all the way through college.
My Mother told me, she always thought ET would come to visit her some day. I hope she meets them, there is still time. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
I learned from little on, about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and I have always believed they were out there. I thought they would find us, but only recently, through SETI, did I consider we might find them first. If we do find some kind of signal, or other sign of advanced life, we should prepair ourselves mentally, and militarily, then reach out to whoever we find. |
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