Profile: StarLightChaser

Personal background
College IT Major donating most of their working/gaming rig to multiple projects. I've been interested in space, and the possibility of extraterrestrials for a long time and after looking up BOINC I decided to through my rig into it. My PC is actually using names of ISS modules Zarya and Unity for the primary and storage drives.

-We bravely reach for something we don't quite understand yet, look out into the stars and chase their light, for they hold the keys to the past and future. Go full throttle in search of what may or may not be there.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Why I run SETI@home: I believe that SETI is doing amazing work and I just want to give some of my rig as I could never directly help on site.
My views on SETI@home: Apart from work being a little slow, I really like having my rig do any possible work for SETI@home.
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