Profile: George

Personal background
I live in Rockford, a town NW of Chicago, IL (in the USA). Having taught automotive at a local community college for nearly twenty years, I have since retired. My hobbies are not limited, but less active than I used to be. I love photography, and also my computer. I'm about to get another computer as my current one is 10+ yrs old but still working fine. My new computer will be current in technology, just not the highest end possible. I no longer have aquariums since the building I live in has a size limit of only 10 gal. I used to have two aquariums, a 50 gal and a 75 gal fresh water. The area is beautiful up here with plenty of venues, and I just might take up bicycle riding again while the weather is warm enough.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I used to belong to SETI along time ago, and now I'm back. As for "why do I run SETI@home?" I realized that I leave my PC on all the time, during the day and during the night. Seldom do I reboot, maybe two or three times a week, but it is never off more than 1/2 hour. So I figured that I would sign up to SETI@home again. I certainly believe that we are not alone in the universe, and I hope one day we will find out. Whether friend or foe, I still want to know.

My views about the project? Well first off I have come to realize that many people have a competitive nature about anything they do. And that includes running SETI, or any one of the other projects out there. That means they will run SETI for the sake of saying they run SETI, but will also run other projects that earn them more credits, and faster credit accumulations, just to be ahead of someone else in total credits. Myself? I came back into the game late and no matter what I do I will never be a high achiever, but I can make a noticeable dent when I get my new computer.

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.