Profile: Cane Kostovski

Personal background
I live in the Detroit area. I work on computers. I love The Orignal Series of Star Trek. I would give anything to go into space. Hopefully I have over 30 more years to live. And, hopefully, we will have a tourism system to send regular people into space before my 30 years are up. I would find a way to go. Wish me luck. The picture here was taken at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago in 1996. I stood behind a space suit and put my face in the hole in the helmet. A friend of mine cut the space suit (and my face) out of the original picture and pasted it on the background you now see. I think it's the coolest picture of me.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I am just waiting for the day we discover a message from another civilization. I have high hopes it would be a friendly message with lots of information. As you can tell, I believe that we are not alone. In life, I am usually a pessimist, but when I think of the unimaginable size and innumerable eons of the universe, I can't help but believe that there is more than just gas and dust out there. Good Luck to everyone searching for E.T.
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