Posts by Andrew Sanchez

1) Message boards : Politics : Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects and Politics: DENIAL (#4) (Message 1714487)
Posted 17 Aug 2015 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
From the Union of Concerned Scientists (founded 1969).

"For nearly three decades, many of the world's largest fossil fuel companies have knowingly worked to deceive the public about the realities and risks of climate change.

Their deceptive tactics are now highlighted in this set of seven "deception dossiers"—collections of internal company and trade association documents that have either been leaked to the public, come to light through lawsuits, or been disclosed through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests.

Each collection provides an illuminating inside look at this coordinated campaign of deception, an effort underwritten by ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP, Shell, Peabody Energy, and other members of the fossil fuel industry."

Download Climate Deception Dossiers full report (PDF) from UCS's website. Source documents available for download at bottom of page.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : What's up with the credits? (Message 1712563)
Posted 13 Aug 2015 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
...Not quite right - When a Work Unit is first sent out two copies (tasks) are sent to two different crunchers at the same time. These two have the same deadline (target reporting date).

Ah! Thank you for the correction :)

When the SETI servers are running in a stable state yo will find you have a fairly constant number of tasks pending validation

Yes, when that happens is when your Recent Average Credit will "stablize" (as i ineloquently and inaccurately put it, haha!)
3) Message boards : Number crunching : What's up with the credits? (Message 1710617)
Posted 10 Aug 2015 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
I'm completing and getting new work units, but my points seem to be stuck since yesterday.

Every work unit must be run by 2 different computers to confirm results before credit is granted. So after you complete a work unit it will be sent to someone else (your "wingman" for that WU) who will validate it. If everything goes smoothly the WU status will go from "Completed, waiting for validation" to "Completed and validated".
Often, you will complete many work units but may have to wait for your wingmen (Note: you are other peoples wingman also, so people may be waiting on WU's in your queue).
Eventually you start running WU's faster than they can be validated and you may go a day where none of your WU's are validated, which is where you are at right now. Don't distress, after being on the project for awhile everything starts to level out and your "Average work done" will stablize.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : 269 pending - what will happen?? (Message 1577463)
Posted 25 Sep 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez

Given that host hasn't contacted the servers in about 3.5 weeks. I would expect their task to timeout & get sent to a 3rd host. Per normal operation.

5) Message boards : Number crunching : 269 pending - what will happen?? (Message 1576157)
Posted 22 Sep 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
I found a computer that has 156 tasks "in progress". I found it because i was trying to figure out why i had a task (370648968) still pending validation from a month ago. I traced it to a computer that has had 156 tasks "in progress" for almost a month now. Looks like i'll be waiting for that task to time out and get resent to an active account. :/
6) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Citizen Scientists Successfully Reboot 36 year Old Space Probe (Message 1522863)
Posted 31 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
This probe has had multiple missions throughout its life, it was repurposed and renamed ICE (International Cometary Explorer). Did NASA shut it down because of funding? I ask because it seems that we still have things to learn with this tool or this private team wouldn't be interested in it, right? I hate how NASA always gets the funding shaft :(

It seems that we have no long-term goals for humanity anymore, unlike it was when we were trying to get to the moon. People then had a vision of a future world that has since been forgotten. I know we have problems on earth that must take precedent but it seems that we get too caught up in them and lose sight of humanity's future 50 or 100 or 1000 years from now. Sorry for the rant but anytime i think of NASA funding i get depressed about our future.
7) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : How do you measure time in space? (Message 1522852)
Posted 31 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
When i said the "real" universe i was referring to the universe that encompasses everything, including all the possible multi-verses. I think. LOL

It would be interesting to know how many their are if any, we think their is but to prove it? hard to do. If their is the total universe could be googles of years old (10 to the 100) or older.

We run into definition issues again when we speak of multi-verses. Are we talking about the multiple big bang multi-verses or are we talking about the multi-verses (parallel universes) that are created, or branch off our current universe, when any decision is made? Oh man, we need more words!
8) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : A team of Netherlands scientists say that teleportation is a possibility. (Message 1522848)
Posted 31 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
Michio Kaku, if i remember correctly, touches on teleportation in his book Physics of the Impossible. Again, if i remember correctly (been years since i read that book), one of the biggest problems is mapping the position (in relation to it's neighboors), spin, etc. of every particle in the body. It would be an immense amount of data to collect and transmit. Then you also run into some metaphysical issues; since you are destroying this body to collect all that info would the new, teleported body that was reconstructed have a soul (if we actually have souls)? Or put another way; would the reconstructed "you" have the same level of consciousness that the original you did?
I think Stephen Baxter had something to say about that in one of his Manifold Trilogy novels. Something about a degradation of the mind and body after too many copies. I'll have to look that up to and see if i'm recalling that correctly (although i usually donate books when i'm done with them, i still have that book). Teleportation brings up a variety of interesting problems and questions.
9) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : How do you measure time in space? (Message 1522846)
Posted 30 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
When i said the "real" universe i was referring to the universe that encompasses everything, including all the possible multi-verses. I think. LOL
10) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Virtual Universe (Message 1522841)
Posted 30 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
There is a sphere around our solar system right now with a radius of 4.5 billion lys.
I keep trying to get away and they keep pulling me back in. The "radius" of the Universe is 46.5 billion light years though, 10 times bigger than it should be. IMHO anyone who thinks they understand all of this just don't understand. I assume.

The 4.5b ly radius sphere i'm referring to is the sphere composed of every point in 3d space that is seeing our solar system as it was 4.5b years ago. I made no mention of the the radius of the universe, but that has been explained ad nauseam. If you weren't satisfied with the explanations in the forums there's plenty of books, articles, youtube videos, etc. that explain how we calculate the size of the universe.
11) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Virtual Universe (Message 1522624)
Posted 30 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
OK, someone asked me, since we can see back as far as 500 million years after the big bang, why can't we see our own solar system back just 4.5 billion years ago. My answer was that the light from back then has already passed this point in space as we are only moving at a small fraction of the speed of light. Is that essentially correct?

I would think that is a good answer. We're seeing the sun as it was like 7 or 8 minutes ago but the image from 9 minutes ago is past us and zooming away at light speed. So the slice of time that is the image of or our solar system 4.5b years ago is 4.5b lys away now and hence, unobservable to us.

You could also think of it this way. There is a sphere around our solar system right now with a radius of 4.5 billion lys. The beings (if they exist) on that sphere are seeing our solar system as it was 4.5 billion yeas ago. So we on earth can't see back that far but "we" as hypothetical entities 4.5b lys from here are seeing this solar system as it was then.
12) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : How do you measure time in space? (Message 1522532)
Posted 29 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
I came across this and thought it might answer some of the questions asked.

Biggest Misconceptions About The Universe Explained

Nice link! Kinda touches on the different definitions of "universe". Some people like to define our universe as the observable universe bounded by the particle horizon, but there's the space beyond that, and then there's the universe that that space is expanding into which, if the universe is finite, could be considered as the "real" universe. But, as they suggested in the video, the "real" universe may be infinite, sooo uh ummm, then uh, yeah.
13) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Virtual Universe (Message 1522249)
Posted 29 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
Ok..just going to pop this here...

What's the biggest known structure in the universe?

Astronomers used to think it was a "filament" of galaxies known as the Sloan Great Wall. But recent research suggests a different structure is even bigger -- and its size has astronomers scratching their heads.
The Biggest Thing In The Universe Is So Gigantic It Shouldn't Exist At All (VIDEO)

Meet the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall (Her-CrB GW). Check it out in the video above.

Does this "Great Wall" have to do with the "dark flow" or "great attractor" phenomena? Every once in a while i see an article about this mysterious thing pulling large chunks of the universe (or galactic clusters) toward it but then i don't hear anything about the subject for a long time. I've read some articles that posit that it may be the pull of another universe. Anyone got any new info on this subject?

This was the last i heard about the subject but it seems that not all the scientist were ready to believe that their observations of this phenomena were wrong for so long.
14) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : What are you reading? (Message 1521715)
Posted 28 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
OK, I'll throw into the mix:

The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen

by Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw

They have made a very careful and interesting approach to the fundamentally spooky subject by describing the theories and observations in the historical order of discovery/development. They also use very good analogy to avoid losing you in maths. Lot's of very good name dropping for anyone who has skimmed over the ideas.

There are a killer last two chapters...!

Well written and very well described spooky stuff which is our universe as best we know it... For the moment...

To my mind, their description of how spontaneous electron-positron pair creation had to be assumed so as to accurately describe the observed Lamb Shift to me suggests there has to be additional dimensions at play at that scale...

Keep searchin',

That sounds like a good read. I have yet to read anything by Cox although i see him everywhere on television nowadays. Sound's like a book i would enjoy, i'll look for it next time i go book shopping. Thanks Martin!
15) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (Message 1521710)
Posted 28 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez

The content is good but I feel like I'm watching a program aimed at 12-15 year olds.

That's how i feel too but i just try to enjoy Cosmos for its human side of science, not for the science itself.
16) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Autism (Message 1521708)
Posted 28 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
The story is about a boy with asperger's that is determined to solve the mystery of who killed his neighbor's dog.

The DSM-5 no longer lists "asperger's" but uses autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with severity based on social communication impairments and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior.

Yeah, as i said, i'm not up on the science. That's just how it was described in the book, which was written over 10 years ago. So, the story is about a boy with ASD etc. etc.
17) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Autism (Message 1521388)
Posted 26 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
I do not personally know anyone with autism nor have i read any of the science books about the subject. But last year i did read an amazing book "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time" by Mark Haddon. The story is about a boy with asperger's that is determined to solve the mystery of who killed his neighbor's dog. The whole story is told by the boy, Christopher, so you get to see the world through his perspective. It's a marvelous book, it's funny at just the right times, heartwarming, inspiring, and of course cruel at times (because of how Christopher is treated).
I recommend the book to everyone because it's one of those books that anyone can enjoy and learn from, regardless of what genre you normally read. Just thought i'd throw that out there. Have any of you already read it?
18) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : CERN (Message 1521381)
Posted 26 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
I would love to move to Vancouver or something but i don't think they'd give me citizenship.

Tell them you are a late arriving draft dodger.

Haha! Good idea! I'l tell 'em i got lost in the Rockies trying to hike north to avoid the Vietnam war. I'll have to grow a really long beard though to make it look convincing ;)
19) Message boards : SETI@home Science : How will the universe end - with a bang or with a whimper? (Message 1520899)
Posted 25 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
Physicists Find a Link between Wormholes and Spooky Action at a Distance
The new theory connects quantum entanglement with Einstein’s general relativity
Dec 11, 2013 |By Clara Moskowitz

Just thought i'd put that out there if anyone missed it. It combines some of the things we've been talking about but not exactly. Still, it is interesting reading if you haven't seen it yet.
20) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : CERN (Message 1520895)
Posted 25 May 2014 by Profile Andrew Sanchez
Unrelated question here. I added an image to my profile, why is it not next to my posts like everyone elses?

You have to upload your avatar in your community preferences on your account page.

Thanks Julie!

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