Posts by bodhisatva

21) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1465027)
Posted 16 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to Jim1348

exactly what I think, my thoughts are a little different but parallel with you.
wish there was a Keppler Institute of Network Computing and I could help them with crunching their WUs.
I really love SETI, but she's been acting kinda strange lately...all she does is take, but never gives back.
trust me, if it wasn't for the lovely folks all around the various forums of SETI, I would have left long time back.
like I said, birds of the same feather, flock together...
by the way i liked your theory of alien taxation laws...was a funny thought!

to A Tree is Known by its Fruit aka A. Twit, PhD aka Tea Party Lovin" mO fO*

you are entitled to have your personal opinions, so can't say much...
but even if they do come over n consume us it would be a fair enough deal...bcoz since thousands of years we have slaved honeybees for honey, prisoned cows for milk, slaughtered pigs,sheep,chicken and what not for flesh...and even devoured the unborn nearly every morning in the form of scrambled eggs.
just imagine if you are prisoned right since birth, whatever little food u gather everyday u are robbed 75% to make honey...injected with venom and you fall sick, then when antibodies r created in your blood it is sucked out to make anti-venom...the moment you give birth to a newborn it is taken to the frying pan to cook eggs...then while goin thru all this trauma somebody cums up n fiddles n fondles with your privates n squeezez them to extract milk...and if this wasn't enough for you already you are force fed to make u fat n juicy...happy thanksgiving!
so if they treat us the same way I wouldn't be surprised at all...guess we deserve it...time to repent is near ha ha you may sow, so shall you reap!
by the way, just a thought, guess we should all start eating human excreta...hopefully when the aliens gobble us up their mouths will be full of our crap...then we shall have the last laugh...ha hah haah!

to dear Julie...

22) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464934)
Posted 16 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

Room for me, graybeard, room, make room!
Menace me not with you eyes of gloom;
Jostle me not from the place I seek,
For my arms are strong and your own are weak,

And if my plea to you be denied
I'll thrust your wearying forms aside.
Pity you? Yes, but I cannot stay;
I am the spirit of Youth; make way!

Room for me, timid ones, room, make room!
Little I care for your fret and fume--
I dare whatever is mine to meet,
I laugh at sorrow and jeer defeat;

To doubt and doubters I give the lie,
And fear is stilled as I swagger by,
And life's a fight and I seek the fray;
I am the spirit of Youth; make way.

Room for me, mighty ones, room, make room!
I fear no power and dread no doom;
And you who curse me and you who bless
Alike must bow to my dauntlessness.

I topple the king from his golden throne,
I smash old idols of brass and stone,
I am not hampered by yesterday.
Room for the spirit of Youth; make way!

Room for me, all of you, make me room!
Where the rifles clash and the cannon boom,
Where the glory beckons or love or fame
I plunge me heedlessly in the game.

The old, the wary, the wise, the great,
They cannot stay me, for I am Fate,
The brave young master of all good play,
I am the spirit of Youth; make way!

by Berton Braley.
23) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464931)
Posted 16 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
birds of the same feather, flock together...folks around here are simply great.
but crunching...i rather just plug in my analog radio n keep listening to the interference.
and the best part is results, none whatsoever...
good or bad, positive or negative, results are conclusions which surely need to be made public.
24) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464925)
Posted 16 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
by the way i would like to give away the little credits that i have in my S@H account...anybody know how i can go about doin that...???
25) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464923)
Posted 16 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
what's the use of sending signals into the dark space...when no one is there.
infact this thread has a great bottom line, lets see some god damn results...
SETI seems to work like a military anarchy, where you can contribute all your resources as you like, but when it comes to results, it is strictly on a need to know that's thee real WOW!
26) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464736)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
27) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464623)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to Chris S.

thanks for the technical input, I infact came to know about the Voyager from you...(no kiddin)
don't know why some people are opposed to sending out radio signals...yes I have heard that debate everywhere that it would not be safe to disclose our location, bcoz advanced civilization come, see, conquer, slave blah blah blah...example Spanish americans - red Indians, Europeans - aborigines, etc etc etc...I mean come on guyz get real n lets make some noise yall...
(by the way red indians, aborigines, tribals all of them still exist till date)
and considering they would travel thousands, millions of light years to come to Earth n treat it like a drive thru and eat us all up...well a civilization which will behave like that with us n make such great logical choices would surely be too dumb to exist n probably be extinct by now.
28) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464581)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

How much longer to wait in patience, Reminiscing WOW signal joys...

Time to get our act together, Build our confidence n poise...

Lets start a revolution now, And separate men from the boyz...

Enough of staying silent and listening, Time to make some noise...

29) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464580)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

I dreamed death came to me one night,
and Heaven's gates flew open wide.
With kindly grace, St. Peter came
and ushered me inside.

There, to my astonishment, were friends
I had known on Earth.
Some I had labeled as unfit
and some of little worth.

Indignant words flew to my lips;
Words I could not set free.
For every face showed stunned surprise --
No one expected ME!

by Anonymous.
30) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Let's see some results! (Message 1464576)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
all we are doing is acting smart n silently listening...hope the aliens are not dumb enough that even they might be silently listening. (SETI PARADOX)

how about making some noise and start transmitting signals all over the world, towards each n every corner of the milky way galaxy...

Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence...then why just Listen to radio signals...why not send probes and explore n search and live up to the name SETI!
31) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464508)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to msattler...

thank you for taking the time out n expressing your views.
I cannot agree more with you on your thoughts about evolution.
by the way, I did have a serious conversation with a person whom I hold great respect for, a simple genius who's name I cannot disclose...
but the conclusion wasn't as I expected...because according to the wise man the universe is approx. 14 days old...nearly so is the milky way...but earth is just 3 days old.
wise man believes any civilization reaching intellectual and technological advancements would be transmitting radio n laser signals since 6 days...
the day earth started listening and could hear nothing simply means that there is no one out there...
(although his theory n calculations were hard to disapprove, but his thoughts sent a cold shiver up through my spine, very depressing conclusion)
but one positive though...old wise man thinks we should stop searching and start creating aliens...time for humanity to transcend towards the divine.
let men be transformed into gods...
P.S. - (no need to transfom or change women, they are already fairies & angels)
again couldn't help but agree...women are pretty fine just the way they are...
32) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464505)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to i a n n a...

all I can say in reply to your post is have answered all my questions.
I am completely satisfied with nearly all your answers...infact I am speechless.
I don't have the words to express my gratitude, didn't really think anyone would bother to take the time out and help a new bee...and considering you are a new member yourself, marvelous.
just wonderin where the hell were you all this time, SETI surely needs a lot more people like you...

33) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464497)
Posted 15 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

She seldom posts poems but all of them are lovely,
(well almost all of them, but some are really really complicated)
She seems pretty friendly but don't you dare bully,
(i dare not)
She knows the art of war and her dog's ferociously drooly,
(dog, or maybe an evil kitty, or a parakeet from hell)
She has a sweet name but can bite pretty cruelly,
(just guessin, never bitten, not as yet)
She obviously is a girl so bound to be ruly,
(most girls are neat n tidy, infact almost all of them)
She doesn't accept nonsense and won't ever surely,
(probably true)
She is mighty n powerful and can teach you a lesson truly,
(certainly true)
She smiles at every occasion and lives life fully,
(hopefully true)
She has a lot of nicknames but at SETI we call her Julie...
( :>) )

(poet - bodhisatva. inspiration & motivation - Julie)

nice to know you like my poems, although they are just my posts and other peoples poems...

if i would have been capable of writing such beautiful poems myself, i would have most certainly fallen in love with myself, and proposed to my own self, and by now i would be happily married to myself...
34) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464355)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to A Tree is Known by its Fruit aka A. Twit, PhD aka Tea Party Lovin' mO fO*...

Ooops! i made a mistake, missed out on your green star, my bad...i am sorry.
So you have donated and well within your rights to question the financial department as to how your money is spent.
Infact let me take this opportunity and thank you for your CASH/MOOLA/GREENIES/SCRATCH ...although i am not a representative or spokesperson for SETI, but as a fellow comrade n Setizen i would like to thank you for your monetary means a lot to all of us...and i am sure the top most leadership at SETI appreciates it as well.

And yes even a single WU could change the world n humanity for ever n might hold a real positive signal that we all are trying so eagerly to attain, so everyone that contributes is essentially important and deserves respect...

P.S. - (oh! you got around 3,347,672...i go crashing on my knees and humbly bow down my head in front of thee...respect!...peace!)
35) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464354)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
to SkilDude...

I really really Appreciate you replying...and obviously you decided to answer in details, again appreciated.
Although after going through your answers i am sure a few more questions are gonna pop up in my brain...but for the moment i would like to take some time out and go through your answers in details.
Again thanks a lot for helping out a fellow setizen, i sincerely appreciate your time n effort.
36) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464344)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
Sorry, Naah don't be...bcoz I aint sorry at all. Happy it's Over.
by the way happy you responded, I got a chance to strike a conversation with you.
Sorry about my behavior in the past, the day I posted on D.P.C. you so generously welcomed me...and I did not respond at all.
Please don't get me wrong, I am not at all the ignorant n snobbish types.
Was new to the scene and little scared n worried, din't wanna mess up with anything or rather anyone for any reason whatsoever.
Sorry if my behavior was rude, won't certainly happen in the future, and as time passes by I am slowly n steadily gonna come out of my shell...and shed my skin like a snake, and then go on a feast, devouring souls and biting n swallowin people around the house.
P.S. - (don't be scared, will spare you Julie...)
37) Message boards : Cafe SETI : DAN'S POETRY CORNER III (Message 1464322)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

Hand in hand we walk together,
God's grace warms us from above.
It's Him I thank each day I wake
for blessing me with all your love.

You're the sunshine in my morning
and the bird that sings my song.
In this life when I am troubled
it's you who keeps me strong.

You're the wind beneath my wings
as this eagle takes to flight.
You're the stars that brighten up my sky
in the darkness of the night.

You're the mother of my children
and the air that gives me life.
My truest friend of all...
my heart, my soul, my wife.

by Andre' Cardenas.

(Although I am happily separated, this poem still makes me miss my X)
38) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464317)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
Wonderful, finally someone appears who understands my point...
So if I have a conscience, and a little bit of intellectual presence I would assume that we are trying to listen to a signal which would be somewhat related to the ones that we create on Earth.
So we are not exactly looking out for Alien signals, only expecting human like signals which obviously would be generating from anywhere else except Earth...
Hmn, by the way I have to admit that I am the biggest layman on S.E.T.I. because even after downloading BOINC, setting up Seti@Home, and crunching WUs nearly everyday...I still didn't have a clue as to what I was really doing...
All I understood is that SETI is a good cause, a just cause, and that sooner or later somebody's gotta do it.
It is just recently that I paused for a moment and tried to introspect my actions...

P.S. - Good, Bad, Ugly or a just doesn't matter.
Everyone and Anyone who even computes a single WU is a Setizen and deserves respect.
39) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464260)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva

A humble request to all the future posters on this thread...Please do not taint
or even try to tarnish SETI's image.
We are all Setizens, and take pride in what we do!
Lets concentrate on whether we all are on the right track...
40) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Is S.E.T.I. Real or Fake? (Message 1464258)
Posted 14 Jan 2014 by Profile bodhisatva
I understand your feelings completely, we live in a civilized world which works on the basis of achieving monetary benefits.
It is human nature to cheat and use, and likewise be cheated and used...
Besides, you and I have no rights to question the financial ethics of S.E.T.I. considering we haven't made a single donation.
Overall, I would DARE NOT question the morality of S.E.T.I.
I was permitted to start a thread named "Is S.E.T.I. Fake or Real? and you were allowed to post your personal views on it, this in itself gives away a very crystal clear view as to how pure and righteous the SETI Moderators are...
I do not contest whether SETI is a just cause...I know it is...reason being you and I are here contributing a little of the resources that we have...
All I want to know is, are we on the right path?

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