Message boards :
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Russia in the 21C
(Message 1895370)
Posted 14 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Asgardia (The Space Nation, The Space Kingdom) holds a press conference in Moscow, Russia, to celebrate its first anniversary - https://asgardia.space/en/page/notifications/Asgardia_First_Anniversary Asgardia Motto: One Humanity, One Unity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asgardia_(nation) Asgardia intends to apply for membership of the UN in 2018:) |
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North Korea II
(Message 1895322)
Posted 14 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Does that include batteries for radios, vehicles and other such items? No. |
Message boards :
Politics :
North Korea II
(Message 1895291)
Posted 14 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: EMP will only affect that which is connected & in use. For that which is not hardened against EMP, your early warning system "should" give enough time to have that which is not protected against it to be disconnected. The power grid and internet lines are always connected and in use. There is no warning system that could disconnect or shut down grids or lines in the event of EMP. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/understanding-north-koreas-emp-threat_us_59ae115de4b0bef3378cdad9 The killing mechanism of such an attack is “elegantâ€; that’s my Cold War analyst past showing up as an encapsulating term. The EMP burst’s objective is to saturate the US power grid underneath it with energy flowing into the wiring. The goal is to burn out a portion of the three hundred or so high voltage transformers that link the US together as an industrial age economy. By burn out, that means causing the melting of the transformer cores rendering them useless. Repairing such damage is cumbersome. There is only one plant that manufactures these types transformers in the US and it does not even make the biggest ones needed for the US grid backbone. These have to come from factories in Europe or China and there’s a multi-year backlog for them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxi1DJUDxtQ |
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North Korea II
(Message 1894821)
Posted 12 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Slightly different school books in NK, which include, among other things, math examples of how schoolchildren shoot at American imperialists and the number of jailed Japanese. From how first graders are taught math. In a battle the soldiers of the People's Army killed 374 heinous US imperialists. |
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Politics :
(Message 1894737)
Posted 11 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41584194 US President Donald Trump has raised the prospect of challenging media licences for NBC News and other news networks after unfavorable reports. Whatever happened to the US First Amendment? It is usually totalitarian leaders that threaten to shut down TV companies due to government-critical surveillance! |
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(Message 1894632)
Posted 11 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: .......is this where the disrespect of your Flag began?Looks like someone there refused to face the flag in respect, 3 others did. I wonder what flag all four are facing. |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
Beer Drinkers Thread Part 27
(Message 1894502)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Kvass is also a kind of beer. How to make it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1UTJKBMvgc Oy blin:) |
Message boards :
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Terrorist Attacks
(Message 1894498)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Hmm Irish policemen in the US... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Americans#Police |
Message boards :
Politics :
Terrorist Attacks
(Message 1894496)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Does the IRA do any terror attacks anymore? I don't think so. But DAESH, داعش ... Since the romanization of Arabic is typically based on pronunciation rather than spelling, some confusion may arise from several letters of the English acronym not matching any initial letters of the Arabic transliteration. If this bothers you, feel free to pretend it stands for Dumb A**hole Extremist Shi'a Haters instead. Uncle Muhammad Wants You. |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
Don't know where it should go? Stick it here! Part V
(Message 1894449)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Plastic seems to ruin sodas, so the makers made changes, of course no matter what is done, some sodas still taste bad in plastic, diet especially, yuck.+1 Glass bottles is the best! |
Message boards :
Politics :
(Message 1894361)
Posted 9 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: & that is the Number One problem the world has with the US. LOL. The EU is a Union with many states that not are United. |
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PC in Sport
(Message 1894332)
Posted 9 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: So you disrespect other nations over a "code". And many other countries has dipped its flag as well. North Korea's Olympic team enters the stadium for the 2010 Winter Games. The country has not qualified for the 2018 Olympics. |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
Don't know where it should go? Stick it here! Part V
(Message 1894321)
Posted 9 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Recycling:) Panta Mera! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnznbcmR6Z4 |
Message boards :
Politics :
PC in Sport
(Message 1894253)
Posted 9 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Not only the NFL. Now some NHL players does the same protest. Reminds me of Mexico City in 1968. "I love my country, but that does not mean I can not admit it's not perfect," writes Brown on Twitter quoting Martin Luther King. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.†https://twitter.com/JTBrown23 |
Message boards :
Politics :
(Message 1894158)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: It takes two to make a tango:) Satumaa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkT89eO8e7s |
Message boards :
Politics :
Another example of USA Gun Laws (or lack of...)?
(Message 1894155)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: And the heavy burden to pay tax money in healthcare to all the victims in weapon shootings! Perhaps that's the reason why the US has twice as much cost then other OECD countries in healthcare. Stay Cheeki Breeki Tovaritch:) |
Message boards :
Politics :
Another example of USA Gun Laws (or lack of...)?
(Message 1894149)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Like the name Granlund:) |
Message boards :
Politics :
North Korea II
(Message 1894148)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: I will probably be around when the first nuke device in war explodes:( Correct. My mistake. Which reminds me of a other documentary where a person first survived Hiroshima and managed to escape to Nagasaki. When he reported back to his boss in Nagasaki after the Hiroshima bombing the second bomb came! |
Message boards :
Politics :
North Korea II
(Message 1894133)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: Today it's not about how big a nuclear weapon can be. It's about miniaturizing the weapons so one could use it "tactical". Still the miniaturized weapons have about the same yield as Nagasaki bombs. The problem with this is of course that it make it more easy to use. I will probably be around when the first nuke device in war explodes:( |
Message boards :
Politics :
North Korea II
(Message 1894125)
Posted 8 Oct 2017 by janneseti Post: The two young women who did the act thought it was about a TV show! You think they knew that they should kill a person. Maybe, but it doesn't make sense to me. The two young women are from Indonesia and Vietnam. And handling the VERY toxic agent VX... They are very lucky to be alive after the act. |
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