Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Combine Accounts
(Message 1104703)
Posted 9 May 2011 by Tom_M Post: Is there any way I can combine stats from an old, abandoned account of mine? The machine that was host died and I couldnt recover the account info to sign in. Instead made a new account... |
Message boards :
News :
Allen Telescope Array Hibernation
(Message 1101704)
Posted 29 Apr 2011 by Tom_M Post: On the News here in Chicago the other night, they reported that the SETI program at Berkley would no longer be funded and that the university would be forced to close the program entirely. Though the photos they showed were of a radio telescope array, not Aricebo. Very disturbing. Perhaps if it really isnt true, someone from the SETI program sghould make a press release and also ask for retractions.... Just a thought? |
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