Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Dark matter/Dark Energy
(Message 1626495)
Posted 11 Jan 2015 by Convergence Post: Dark Matter only interacts with matter via gravity, and weakly at that. According to Brian Greene, it could also be the weak gravitational pull of another universe through the higher dimensions of this universe, if M-theory is correct. It cannot be collected and studied like ordinary matter, in either case. Its effects only become noticeable at interstellar distances and larger. Dark Energy is the miniscule expansion of the universe. Its effects only become noticeable at intergalactic distances and larger due to the vastness of space and how relatively small the expansion is on our scale. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Big Bang
(Message 1612288)
Posted 11 Dec 2014 by Convergence Post: It is certainly an interesting theory. Perhaps that is where the missing antimatter is from the Big Bang. Perhaps it is traveling backwards in time while regular matter travels forward in time (from our perspective). If you were to take some antimatter and reverse time, it would interact the same way ordinary matter does to us in our direction of time. Gravity does not depend on which direction time is flowing. Additionally, it would mean that in our three dimensions of space and one dimension of time the net charge of the universe is zero. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Planet Hunters Report Record-Breaking Discovery, Search for other habitable planets
(Message 1609519)
Posted 5 Dec 2014 by Convergence Post:
Here is a quote from a website about how far signals have gotten from us. "Because of this inverse square law, all of our terrestrial radio signals become indistinguishable from background noise at around a few light-years from earth. For a civilization only a couple hundred light-years away, trying to listen to our broadcasts would be like trying to detect the small ripple from a pebble dropped in the pacific ocean off the coast of California – from Japan." http://zidbits.com/2011/07/how-far-have-radio-signals-traveled-from-earth/ |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Planet Hunters Report Record-Breaking Discovery, Search for other habitable planets
(Message 1609336)
Posted 5 Dec 2014 by Convergence Post:
It is likely the television and radio signals we have been sending out into space are too weak to distinguish from background noise at interstellar distances. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Is the "Planet X" theory back?
(Message 1608025)
Posted 2 Dec 2014 by Convergence Post: I read somewhere that the infrared telescope used to find brown dwarfs would have found the planets by now. This might be where I saw it. http://www.space.com/25234-planet-x-search-solar-system.html "A new analysis of data collected by NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) spacecraft revealed no sign of the mysterious Planet X hypothesized to exist in the outer solar system. But scientists are keeping up the search for a planet or dim star far from the sun." |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
NASA: Finding Life Beyond Earth is Within Reach
(Message 1607131)
Posted 30 Nov 2014 by Convergence Post: We need to take baby steps before tackling interstellar travel. We need a faster method of exploring even our own solar system, first. Right now and for the foreseeable future all we will be able to do is look outside the solar system. It is said we will discover other life in the universe in the next 20 years. I think that is extremely optimistic. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Paper on Nuclear Explosions on Mars
(Message 1607128)
Posted 30 Nov 2014 by Convergence Post: I don't know what is more silly, people saying the new high resolution images of the "face" confirms their theory, or people saying a ray of light hitting a dirty spot on a camera lens on the ISS is an alien ship. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Is the "Planet X" theory back?
(Message 1606827)
Posted 29 Nov 2014 by Convergence Post: I read somewhere that the infrared telescope used to find brown dwarfs would have found the planets by now. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Paper on Nuclear Explosions on Mars
(Message 1606809)
Posted 29 Nov 2014 by Convergence Post: Recently, a paper by John E. Brandenburg was published about two possible massive nuclear explosions on Mars. It shows that there are levels of isotopes present on Mars that are present during nuclear explosions here on Earth. He also tries to show that the faces on Mars are still real leftovers from an old civilization, and that aliens destroyed them. The civilization could have been destroyed for being too noisy, became too advanced and could have posed a threat, or were exterminated just like how we exterminate insects for being pests. It is easy for us to destroy an ant hill, and we don't give it a second thought. Here is the paper. http://journalofcosmology.com/JOC24/Brandenburg.pdf The analysis of the isotopes and radiation on mars is rather interesting. However, I am skeptical about the section where he deals with the faces and pyramids on Mars. Just like how people see shapes and animals in the clouds, I think he is seeing something in simple random hills, mountains, and rocks. Aliens destroying the old civilization on Mars is not the only explanation of the nuclear explosions. If there was an old civilization, nuclear war could have destroyed everything. One nation fires a nuclear weapon at another, the other retaliates, and they end up destroying each other. The explosions were powerful enough to end life across the entire planet. Concerning the Fermi Paradox, could this be the Great Filter? The "Primitive" civilizations destroyed by aliens or destroying themselves in war or accidents? An interesting thought is the analogy of Earth to Milky Way. There could be one dominant species that controls/eliminates all others to continue to dominate and survive. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
How will the universe end - with a bang or with a whimper?
(Message 1518326)
Posted 19 May 2014 by Convergence Post: I think this universe will eventually end in a big rip. This is because the continuous expansion of the universe is accelerating. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
What would we do if we found intelligent life elsewhere?
(Message 1515851)
Posted 14 May 2014 by Convergence Post: So, what would happen if SETI found an extra-terrestrial signal? To be honest, not much. We can't go there, we can't communicate with them, not for many years anyway. However, at least we would know that life elsewhere is possible. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Dark matter/Dark Energy
(Message 1514682)
Posted 11 May 2014 by Convergence Post: One very interesting theory I have read about and heard about (from M-theory) is the possibility that there is gravitational leakage from one or more other universes that exist in separate branes from ours. The only particles that can pass from one brane to another are gravitons (since they are closed strings, while open strings such as photons and fermions are bound to their respective branes). If the search for WIMPs ultimately fails, this may be a good possibility. It would also explain why the gravitational force is comparatively weak. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Curiosity Rover Images Potential UFO
(Message 1512707)
Posted 6 May 2014 by Convergence Post: If they are more intelligent than we are and far more technologically advanced, we shouldn't be seeing them at all if they really want to be hidden. I don't doubt there are advanced methods of camouflage they could employ to completely mask their presence from our technology and eyes. But, as you said, in some cases if we directly approach them, they'll depart. That's telling me that they don't care we can see them, but they don't want any incident or contact with us. The biggest exception is probably the Battle of Los Angeles, if they were actually alien crafts or probes. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Curiosity Rover Images Potential UFO
(Message 1512340)
Posted 4 May 2014 by Convergence Post: Let us assume for the moment that cylinder is an alien craft or unmanned alien probe. It seems to me that it wasn't concerned at all about being seen, if it was even aware of the rover. I mean, it took around ten minutes to pass through the field of view of that camera (assuming the time stamps are correct). It seems to me that in general, if many sightings here on Earth really are alien space craft, they have no intentions of making any formal contact that we know of. They also don't seem to have the need to hide themselves from us. Are we just unintelligent objects of scientific curiosity to them? Or, are we to them like ants are to us? Are they here (in the solar system) just for the planets and wildlife and we have no meaning to them? It could also be they are just all unmanned probes of some kind and are incapable of making contact, and lack the programming to hide themselves very well. If NASA was worried about people freaking out over the full resolution images, why would they release any images at all? I would have thought if they wanted to suppress everything about UFOs, ETs, etc., they wouldn't release the small images or any hints at all about it. That should have been especially true in this case since there are far less man-made objects on and around Mars and because of how obvious it is that this object is not an uncontrolled rocky object. One possibility I thought of is that the time stamps are wrong and it is a small rocky object heading quickly for the surface, and the small thing coming from it is a smaller chunk of rock that broke off on the way to the surface. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Question about radio signals and seti
(Message 1512099)
Posted 4 May 2014 by Convergence Post: Electromagnetic radiation follows the inverse square law. Therefore, it would require a tremendous amount of energy to transmit something across the galaxy. It is quite a long shot that a signal will be detected, but nothing can be detected if we don't even try. |
Message boards :
SETI@home Science :
Curiosity Rover Images Potential UFO
(Message 1512090)
Posted 4 May 2014 by Convergence Post: Only a few days ago, NASA's Curiosity rover took several sequential images of a slow-moving large cylindrical object across the Martian sky towards the horizon. It traveled in a relatively straight path, did not appear to tumble like a large rock would, and the images were not time-lapsed images of a small object moving quickly. Here is a link to the article: http://www.examiner.com/article/huge-cylindrical-ufo-captured-by-mars-curiosity-rover The small images are still posted on NASA's site, but the links to the full resolution images still only show the small images. However, the full resolution image right before the cylinder appears is available. Watching a Youtube video of the images in rapid sequence, it appears that there is a small object that either broke off or somehow came from that cylindrical object. What do you people think about this? |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Results from the LHC soon?
(Message 1254269)
Posted 1 Jul 2012 by Convergence Post: There is no Higgs Boson! God told me! To be honest, you sound a bit delusional. So many of your posts are about God telling you things, and frankly it's getting silly. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
(Message 1241328)
Posted 4 Jun 2012 by Convergence Post: Perhaps it was dropping candy to the good little girls and boys. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Anonumous host throwing only errors, 3223 right now
(Message 1241323)
Posted 4 Jun 2012 by Convergence Post: Wow, that's quite ridiculous. |
Message boards :
Science (non-SETI) :
Let´s build the NCC-1701
(Message 1232600)
Posted 15 May 2012 by Convergence Post: Besides warp engines, there are other big problems. One is gravity plating. Another is replicators. There are no force fields. No phasers. No sensors. |
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