Posts by A planet

1) Message boards : Technical News : Can't talk.. Debugging.. (May 15 2007) (Message 568496)
Posted 16 May 2007 by Profile A planet
I wanted to say:
That i was wondering when the expiration date will be prolonged! I have a few packages that are due to expire at 17-05-07!
Why doesn't Seti ignore this expiration date for a few weeks? Just to catch up.

That everybody is doing a good job and that hurrying won't bring us much, because the universe will be here for a loooong time, E.T will have to wait a few weeks longer.

Other programms will have more computer time since seti's outage. (Einstein is really giving a lot of credit per package).

Please fix that bug where nice posts are being lost due to that mysql error about to many connections!! That one is really evil!
2) Message boards : Technical News : Can't talk.. Debugging.. (May 15 2007) (Message 568475)
Posted 16 May 2007 by Profile A planet
Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Too many connections in /disks/setifiler1/home/boincadm/projects/sah/html/inc/ on line 22
Unable to connect to database - please try again later Error: 1040Too many connections

Damn my post is gone..

3) Questions and Answers : Web site : Where can I get the combined statistics for my team? (Message 559188)
Posted 4 May 2007 by Profile A planet
Is there a page where al the statistics are provided for me on one page, to download?
I have joined other projects as well and i want to create an overview of all this information on our webpage.
The singature below is what i have so far but I would furthermore include the team total stats and the other project total stats.

4) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Lost text (Message 559187)
Posted 4 May 2007 by Profile A planet
A few days ago I wrote about a fifty word response in one of the threads, but instead of pressing the "post" button I hit the link back to Cafe SETI. Everything I wrote was lost. I'm sure it's too late now, but for the future, is there anything I could do to get that text back if it happens again?

I guess this problem can happen everywhere, when changing browser screens without saving, sometimes you can hit back and find your text still there but most of the times you will have to start over again...
Autosave could be an option?
5) Message boards : Technical News : Down Time (May 01 2007) (Message 558039)
Posted 2 May 2007 by Profile A planet
We'll at least i see it has been accepting my completed task.
But i am unable to request new work, is there maybe an alternative solution available or something to work on while the thumper is down?
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : I donated to this wonderfull project but i cannot see a green star? (Message 482834)
Posted 15 Dec 2006 by Profile A planet
Matt fixed it, along with 10 other accounts that had the same problem.

Thanks for supporting SETI@home.


Eric, thank you for researching this issue and thank Matt from me for fixing the script!I now see the green star :-)
I hope the link behind it will encourage other people to donate to Seti@home too.
7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : I donated to this wonderfull project but i cannot see a green star? (Message 482175)
Posted 14 Dec 2006 by Profile A planet
I donated to this wonderful project but i cannot see a green star?
It is not that i insist on this funny green star, but to me it would be proof of a successful received donation.
I have donated about six days ago, should i be concerned or should i wait a few more days?
8) Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : Join Team Universalis! (Message 359257)
Posted 7 Jul 2006 by Profile A planet
We'll find life for sure ;-)!
Join our team at A Planet
9) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Cpu limit doesn't seem to work (Message 337991)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Profile A planet

The XML file have your password encoded in a key and so they are not a security risk.

Is this not the key with wich you can login on the login page.

Boinc encrypts your email and password in a key it uses to access your account. I'm not sure of the exact details.

Try it for yourself, i am able with this key to login on the website.
In my former post i suggested that this is a problem on a shared computer, where local directories can be accesible in a multi user environment, by multiple users.
They can login with the key found in this directory, i was putting on the wishlist a method of putting these specific user files in a different directory then the default application directory, example: user homedirectory
10) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Cpu limit doesn't seem to work (Message 337946)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Profile A planet

The XML file have your password encoded in a key and so they are not a security risk.

Is this not the key with wich you can login on the login page.

11) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Cpu limit doesn't seem to work (Message 337927)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Profile A planet
It looks like your brother's system was on the edge of breaking down. A properly maintained system should have no problem running at 100%. My current system has been crunching Seti and now Boinc for 3 years, 24/7. Cleaning out the dust bunnies from time to time is important, as well as making sure the fans are working as they should to provide proper ventilation.

Seti as well as all other Boinc projects are design to make use your computer full capacity. Therefore, they do tend to point out weak components a bit sooner than would a lightly used system.

As Pooh Bear indicated a program called Threadmaster can be used to throttle back the CPU usage. The Boinc developer are looking at implementing something similar, possibly in the next version Boinc manager.

The XML file have your password encoded in a key and so they are not a security risk.

The forum may not have all the bell and whistles but serves the purpose intended. Most projects, like Seti, are faced with small budgets and have to make due. Also, tend to provide uniformity among the projects.

Furthermore it would be great if the xml file can reside in another protected directory. So that using this client on shared computers will not give away all your account details to somebody else logging in on this computer.

I think this forum is a little bit crappy to use, it is not user friendly in set-up, there are numerous open source forums or low-priced ones that look great and have a user friendly gui (But that's just my opinion, i am definately used to them anyway and this works "a bit different").

12) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Cpu limit doesn't seem to work (Message 337918)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Profile A planet
Thanks for this quick response and clear explanation!

SETI (as all projects) use left over cycles. There is no setting it lower via the applications or the website. What you changed was settings for resource share with other projects.

Silly me :-) , will you believe me that when i did the initial set-up, I had already read this, but since i am only involved with the seti project i must have forgotten about it, thanks for this reminder!

You need a 3rd party software (something like Threadmaster), to make it use less than 100% of the CPU.

That's why i want to put this issue on the wishlist, i really think this must be integrated in either the boinc client or the seti project.
(To many third party tools ary very confusing for potential newcomers, and do require a lot of unneccesary trouble for users. IMHO)

The screen saver is known to cause some issues on some machines. It is best to not use a 3D style screen saver. Myself, I use the BLANK or shut off the monitor. The screen saver can take away cycles from the processing of the work, and as you already seen, can cause some lockups.

I myself had already changed the screensaver to windows default
(only, because i found out that task completion went faster without it), but this indeed can explain what happened to my brother's pc.

Additional item for the wishlist:
When speaking off integration and third party tools, one other thing i want to put here on the wish list is:
The integration of user statistics, and the availability of this data in a xml/html/csv/txt file to put on your website or use any other way .

Again you have to open an account at another website or use third party tools.
(This is not user-friendly and again gives unneccesary trouble for users, really i spend more than one hour looking at possibilities for the statistics on these websites and on the links provided there, i got a lot of "cross project id not known" or "user id does not exist errors" before i decided to let it rest for a while)
13) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Cpu limit doesn't seem to work (Message 337819)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Profile A planet

It could be just me but there are some issues i wish to mention wich I have noticed.

I had my cpu settings at 100% since i started the project.
Yesterday my brother(joined my team) called me up and told me that his computer wouldn't start up anymore.
When i asked him what the last thing that his pc was doing was, he replied that he left the screensaver active and went away from home.
Afterwards his computer hung and he had to push the shutdown button.
Only to find out his computer wouldn't start up anymore, boot only goes to the dell screen but never reaches the bios or further.

I find this peculiar,since seti was the only thing working at that time, but there are of course numerous reasons to think of, why this has happened.
(I am also using seti on other pc's with no probs)

Nevertheless i decided, that since he must have inherited my seti project setings
(and I've had the cpu settings at 100%) i must lower the CPU just in case.

Therefore i have the settings now at 85% and updated the boinc client prject settings, but still a maximum cpu usage available is taken by the boinc client.

Furthermore it would be great if the xml file can reside in another protected directory. So that using this client on shared computers will not give away all your account details to somebody else logging in on this computer.

I think this forum is a little bit crappy to use, it is not user friendly in set-up, there are numerous open source forums or low-priced ones that look great and have a user friendly gui (But that's just my opinion, i am definately used to them anyway and this works "a bit different").

There were more things to mention, but i keep those for later because this involves specific error messages received and 2 almost completed tasks being lost.

All and all this is a great project and i am happy i can help!



Check my website at A Planet , find your ip number at Ip Number

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.