Posts by BrerBunny

1) Message boards : SETI@home Staff Blog : What does loss of net neutrality mean for volunteer computing? (Message 1539024)
Posted 10 Jul 2014 by Profile BrerBunny
It's such a shame that monopolies can ruin society through their own greed. Government is failing if it cannot put a check on these companies.
I hope that the US Government takes this seriously and looks into this threat to scientific communities and research projects online. Perhaps a monopolies commission should take a good long hard look at the ISPs mentioned. In this day and age, consumers should be able to have the choice of a multitude of ISPs so they can pay for the service that meets their consumer and ethical standards, and not be forced to use one company who does not meet their standards.

Unfortunately, if this goes ahead and net neutrality is lost, most scientific projects and distributed computing will be forced to rely on Europe/Australasia/etc. This would be a great loss, as a large percentage of the internet is based in the USA and a large proportion of computing power will be lost with it.

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