Posts by John Ellis

1) Message boards : News : SETI@home hibernation (Message 2036157)
Posted 6 Mar 2020 by Profile John Ellis
I, for one, am truly disappointed. The universe is a pretty big place (by every (in)conceivable measure). The odds of us being alone are infinitesimally small. I hope the search will continue someday.

Science matters.
2) Message boards : News : Low available work. (Message 2029426)
Posted 26 Jan 2020 by Profile John Ellis

Seems this issue has lasted longer than originally expected to resolve. Is there any "official" estimate for returning to normal operations?

Only one of my two SETI rigs is processing, the one idling has been in that state for hours now.

3) Questions and Answers : Windows : Increased Frequency of "Client Errors" (Message 331076)
Posted 8 Jun 2006 by Profile John Ellis
Read this thread and this thread on that.

In a nutshell, yes it was Seti Enhanced that found some errors upon release.
But the splitters appear to have some problems as well, where lots of results with bad headers are sent out. That should be fixed now as well.

Looks like the "error logjam" has cleared and sorted itself out of the system. No additional errors ffor a couple of days now. I thought that might be the case (changes introduced by the enhanced client). Thanks and have a great day!

4) Questions and Answers : Windows : Increased Frequency of "Client Errors" (Message 328775)
Posted 6 Jun 2006 by Profile John Ellis

Recently, I have noticed a rather large increase in "client errors" on both my Linux and Windows XP machines when reviewing results. One XP machine in particular has more than the others. I have since re-installed BOINC with the most recent version on that machine (no results yet). Seems to be related to the recent change to the "enhanced client". Is this a widespread issue? Any ideas on how the problem can be alleviated? Or, is this just the price of change with the SetiAtHome/BOINC client updates?

Just geeking along,

Team MegaGeek

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.