Posts by Steve S

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux Invalid Taskunit (Message 932592)
Posted 11 Sep 2009 by Profile Steve S
I am using Ubuntu 9.04, but the the kernal is Linux 2.6.28-15-generic
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux Invalid Taskunit (Message 932578)
Posted 11 Sep 2009 by Profile Steve S
A quick question about some of my tasks that are failing. I am running BOINC 6.6.36 with a Linux ptimized S@H Enhanced application V5.13; application version 5.28, and I am getting a number of workunits in the last few weeks that are getting the following stderr out

process exited with code 131 (0x83, -125)
Linux optimized S@H Enhanced application by Alex Kan
Version info: SSSE3x (Intel, Core 2-optimized v8-nographics) V5.13 by Alex Kan
SSSE3x Linux64 Build 46 PGO, Ported by : Jason G, Raistmer, JDWhale

Processor Information:
  Model: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550, 2.33 GHz
  Package: 2 Cores

Processor Caches:
  L1 code cache, 32 KB
  L1 data cache, 32 KB
  L2 combined cache, 4 MB

Processor Features:   64bit   simd   [x86]   cmov   mmx   sse   sse2   sse3   ssse3   vmx   lm   lahf_lm   tm   tm2   eist   nx 

Work Unit Info:
Credit multiplier is :  2.85
WU true angle range is :  0.435611
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  St9bad_alloc
SIGABRT: abort calledStack trace (18 frames):



Could anyone tell me what is going on and/or how to correct it? Thanks to all who respond !
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Work assigned, but no sign of it on client (Message 827092)
Posted 5 Nov 2008 by Profile Steve S
Is this a common problem during regular times and after an outage? Is there I'm assuming miscommunication/request lost when there is a lot of traffic?

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Work assigned, but no sign of it on client (Message 827087)
Posted 5 Nov 2008 by Profile Steve S
When it asked for more work, I just got new WU until I hit my quota, and never saw those mentioned WU again. Is there a possibillity I might get them back in the future before the deadline?

And whats a ghost WU?

5) Message boards : Number crunching : Work assigned, but no sign of it on client (Message 827085)
Posted 5 Nov 2008 by Profile Steve S
UPDATE: Everything on this page did not download to my client, however the remaining pages did all successfully download. I counted all my jobs in the manager and got around ~180 jobs, but I am missing the ones mentioned above.

Will S@H and my BOINC client eventually sync up on this, and then get my client to download them?

Thank You.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Work assigned, but no sign of it on client (Message 827062)
Posted 5 Nov 2008 by Profile Steve S
I know that this is a busy period right after the Tuesday Outage, but I decided to check in on my BOINC manager, which I rarely check, and see how well the downloads are coming. I have noticed I have a lot more results given to me on my result page on the S@H web, then my computer knows about. It says I have two astropulse units given to me, but I only received one, and there is nothing on the transfer menu and there was no results asked for during this period, and I have 19 more instances like this with the regular S@H.

Will S@H and my BOINC client eventually sync up on this, and then get my client to download them?
I'm just wondering and Thanks for your response.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Home Page (Message 819466)
Posted 16 Oct 2008 by Profile Steve S
I think the mainpage is still broken. There is an underscore in 'Your Account' and it says 'Stats' where it says statistics on all the other pages.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Astropulse FAQ (Message 818518)
Posted 15 Oct 2008 by Profile Steve S
Oh Ok, thanks for reminding me, I should have known that that, but I abused to check. I just found the permissions as rw-, but now I have changed them to rwe.

Thanks a lot for your help!
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Astropulse FAQ (Message 818491)
Posted 14 Oct 2008 by Profile Steve S
I think that is exactly I used and then I got this Task ID, and In my BOINC message box said that if could not find the 'output file,' whatever that is.

But I'll copy and paste your code and download the main astropulse 4.36 file again, and I imagine I keep the same 4.35 graphics file, even if I don't look at it?
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Astropulse FAQ (Message 818211)
Posted 13 Oct 2008 by Profile Steve S
I am using the Seti@home optimized, and I need someone to re post the appinfo.xml file. I downloaded the new Astropulse Linux x86_64(4.36) and updated the appinfo.xml to match the file location for the new astropulse and updated the version number, but then when the next astropulse WU came along, Boinc trashed the one it started and all the other ones that were pending to start.

I just need someone to re post the appinfo.xml for Seti@Home optimized and for the new 4.36 astropulse for a Linux X86_64 machine.

It would be greatly appreciated.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : AstroPulse errors - Reporting (Message 817190)
Posted 11 Oct 2008 by Profile Steve S
I have a question regarding running the latest Astropulse Linux X86 when using the App Info.xml file when running the SETI@Home optimized version. I upgraded to the Linux X86 4.36 version and left the 4.35 graphics file the same (even though I never look at the graphics). I updated the AppInfo file so that BOINC could find the new main astropulse 4.36 file which I did download to the S@H work folder and this is what my appInfo HAD looked like:

But my question is did I do something wrong? I ask this because my task IDonly ran for one second, and then in Boinc Manager in the message box said that it could not find the output file, and then returned a computation error.

I backed everything up before I changed so I have reverted back now, so any ideas what I have done wrong or what should I do at this point, if anything?

EDIT: All the proper files like the "astropulse_4.36_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" were all in place at the time of running.
12) Message boards : Technical News : Work Stoppage (Jul 24 2008) (Message 788512)
Posted 28 Jul 2008 by Profile Steve S
And on an unrelated note, the scheduling servers are down again, not able to report or get new WU's.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : AK V8 ported release ap. issues, install, questions etc. (Message 784064)
Posted 18 Jul 2008 by Profile Steve S
I have a question about optimizing in Linux using the optimizer for SSSE3 Intel Processors. I have an unclocked system Linux 2.6.24-19-generic running Ubuntu 8.04 with a GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz [Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11] that is SSSE3 compliant with 1997.14 MB of RAM.

Is this system compatible with this latest optimizer? If I run SETI@Home with this system it won't burn out the CPU or anything? Is there anything else I should be concerned about this system if I do run it ?

Thanks for your time, it is really appreciated.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Validators down (Message 781245)
Posted 9 Jul 2008 by Profile Steve S
Desktop is now fine, but laptop hasn't got any WUs. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon.

Everything uploads and downloads for me are now working.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Validators down (Message 781170)
Posted 9 Jul 2008 by Profile Steve S
yes they are up and running, i just got 20 points, and pending credit is still going up (rac down,and fast) and i have one and half wu´s left and then i have only nails to crunch

(no worry,i checked, i still have two wu´s)

Is anybody getting work units??? My client keeps asking for workunits but none are downloaded....

7/9/2008 08:43:49|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 288663 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
7/9/2008 08:43:54|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks

I'm not getting any workunits either...

Wed 09 Jul 2008 06:48:58 AM MDT|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 28111 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
Wed 09 Jul 2008 06:49:03 AM MDT|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
16) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Downgrading from SETI@Home optimized (Message 780200)
Posted 7 Jul 2008 by Profile Steve S
I just downgraded from AK_V8_SSSE3_LX64, but now when I download new tasks the BOINC manager says it takes like 11 hours to complete them, but then when it is running it drops by like 20 second increments after just one seconds. Is there a way to correct this?

I've tried detaching, deleting the BOINC folder and reinstalling, but it keeps happening.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
17) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : boinc setiathome child process (Message 722737)
Posted 6 Mar 2008 by Profile Steve S
Hey y'all, I've just came back to boinc to crunch some more numbers for SETI@Home, after my installation, I am finding after an half hour to an hours running, the boinc setiathome child process turns into a zombie, and still takes all the cpu.

Is it still working, or is it not? Is there any way to prevent this? Thanks for all your time.

18) Questions and Answers : Web site : uploading to seti. (Message 135822)
Posted 12 Jul 2005 by Profile Steve S
In the tech news, it said
July 12, 2005 - 19:30 UTC
Last night we had an extended lab-wide power outage to replace a (rather large) faulty breaker. This faulty breaker was part of the cause of two unexpected outages earlier this year. We've been told that during further examination three more potentially bad breakers were discovered. Not sure what this means exactly, except that we will eventually need another outage to fix all that. However, the nearby MSRI building (that stands for Math Sciences Research Institute, and is pronounced "misery") is wrapping up major renovation. So the lab has been planning some down-time anyway when our neighbors are added back to the grid. This may happen as soon as August.

On the way down last night, and on the way back up this morning, we reconfigured and tested our smart UPS system on the main BOINC data server (and BOINC web server). There was some weird behavior and confusion both times, but this was eventually sorted out, and now this system should safely shut down in the event of a power outage. Note that we had a work-around solution in place for months (that was also tested and proven to work), but it was not nearly as graceful as a smart UPS.

Their servers will be backed up for ~24 hours while they clear it up, also the result of everybody trying to connect at the same time.
19) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Won't Retrieve Work Unit (Message 135820)
Posted 12 Jul 2005 by Profile Steve S
I'll refer you to this website at It has something to do with the min_rpc_time in the file client_state.xml in your BOINC directory.
20) Questions and Answers : Web site : help in starting first download? (Message 125941)
Posted 21 Jun 2005 by Profile Steve S
if you are referring to attaching it in the boingmgr program, it didn't really work for me whe I updated from 4.19 to 4.43. go cd your directory you put it together/installed it in (EX. /home/you/BOINC) then "./boinc -attach_project ACCOUNT KEY HERE" in the terminal. be sure there is a space between the address and account key.

More info

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©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.